With the weather clement in Rhode Island, and our neighbors self-sheltering responsibly, we'll hope to share a whiskey sour with them up on the roof, six feet apart, at the end of this day, to take some respite from the heavy news of the day (and with prayers going out to all those in NYC fighting in the world's newest hot zone). Fill the measuring glass with ice to chill the collective cocktail. Prepare 4 glasses with ice, preferably one large cube each, and appropriate garnish.

Method: combine all ingredients (you can even use the markings on the measuring glass, no jiggers required), buzz with a hand blender. Two tablespoons of aquafaba is equal to one egg white, you can use 2 tablespoons of aquafaba in this recipe as an equivalent to the actual egg white. It gives the spirit and juice body, and a creaminess to the cocktail both in appearance and on the palate, and it turns a cocktail into a protein drink! And of course, the egg white, which is so, so important. Its a holiday cocktail you can make at home to impress your. Shake until thoroughly chilled, about 30 seconds. Rosemary Whiskey Sour made with Rosemary Simple Syrup and Egglands Best 100 Egg Whites. But one tasting found any lime to be the kiss of death! I'm crazy about limes so I'm keeping mine, but good to know. Shake: Combine the bourbon, lemon juice, and simple syrup in a cocktail shaker filled with ice.

Citrus: I'm partial to a lime and lemon mix, heavier on the lime. Do this ahead so it has time to chill (it will keep for a week or two in the fridge). Simple syrup is one part sugar dissolved in 1 part water. Notes: I use an inexpensive bourbon and save the Blanton's and Michter's for sipping. Add the whiskey, lemon juice, syrup, and egg white to a cocktail shaker without ice. Here, 2 parts bourbon : 1 part simple syrup : 1 part citrus juice : 1 egg white. I find it interesting that so many variations exist, but I stick to standard ratios that are easy to remember and, of course, easy to adjust as necessary. (The Whiskey Sour was one of two cocktails I included in From Scratch.) If we'd had good cherries, I'd have put three on a tooth pick for each glass, but all we had were limes, so there it is. The ones I made for Bruce, Helen and Ann were so good, Bruce shook his head incredulous, and asked for more. One of them, (given a Pyrex measuring glass and a hand blender to froth the egg whites) is the whiskey sour. Strategy: Go to your arsenal of what I will call Collective Cocktails (like collective nouns, pride of lions, murder of crows, batch of whiskey sours), cocktails that batch well and can be made even before the guests arrive. Problems: four cocktails one shaker, and I don't want to spend half of our time mixing drinks. The Friday before we bolted New York City, we'd had our friends Bruce Handy and Helen Schulman, both writers, to our apartment for a cocktail pre- our first meal at the new Barbuto. One of the great pleasures of the cocktail hour is sharing it, especially during these distancing times. My Whiskey Sour recipe conforms to 4:2:1 formula (4 parts whiskey : 2 parts lemon juice : 1 part rich sugar syrup). Strain mix into ice filled serving glass and garnish with orange and cherry.Mise en place for The Whiskey Sour: Simple syrup, citrus juice, egg white, bourbone (glasses and handblender) Fellow New York cocktailer Hugo Ensslin added lime juice in 1917’s Recipes for Mixed Drinks, while William Feery’s Wet Drinks for Dry People from 1932 introduced egg white for a more luscious. Add ice to mixing glass and pour over whiskey, lemon juice and simple syrup.

Side note: If you're brave enough to try out some drinks that call for egg whites, you can check out a ton of them here.ġ. 1,167 likes, 26 comments - Cocktails with The Whiskey Chick Miami (cocktailswithwhiskey) on Instagram: 'Tequila Watermelon Sour recipe I know I know I know. This version of the drink is sometimes referred to as a Boston Sour. (Cool dream, Stubb!) On the other hand, Overcup Press points out that "Although the recipe wasn't written down until 1862 by Jerry Thomas in The Bartender’s Guide, 'spurs' were a basic recipe for centuries." The Whiskey Sour's Wikipedia page also notes that there is an optional addition of a dash of egg white, which enriches the texture of the drink. In terms of the history of the Whiskey Sour cocktail recipe, according to the Whiskey Sour Wikipedia page, "The oldest historical mention of a whiskey sour was published in the Wisconsin newspaper, Waukesha Plain Dealer, in 1870." The drink's Wikipedia page adds that one Peruvian newspaper has said that it was Elliot Stubbs, an Englishman who went to Peru with a dream of opening a bar who invented the drink. We'll get to some history on the awesome Whiskey Sour cocktail recipe in just a moment, but first, here are a few other classic whiskey cocktails we think you'll enjoy: the Old Fashioned, the Mint Julep, the Irish Coffee, the Boulevardier, and the Flaming 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse.